In the captivating Balearic Islands, where hues of blue grace the skies, sits a unique gem known as The Blue Pearl – a rarity on Ibiza. This all-encompassing property and home service has a track record of over 200 successful projects for homeowners globally. Founder, John Broekman, a Dutch entrepreneur rooted in Ibiza with a business tenure exceeding 25 years, has honed his expertise in five languages, ensuring excellence in every aspect. His renovation projects tell a story of his love for transforming ugly houses, into amazing homes.

Has the Blue Pearl been around for long?
I’ve been doing this for thirty years now and about three and a half years ago, I decided to create a brand because it was always about me before. Back then I was a small business, a small construction company. It was during Covid that I thought, I have to create a brand that someone else could continue with, otherwise I might die unknown. The Blue Pearl brand is our philosophy – it’s a gift of tranquility, honesty, perseverance and trust.

How do you think the Real Estate sector has changed in your time and what makes The Blue Pearl different?
It went overboard I think… I don’t consider it being serious, you know, it’s every Tom, Dick and Harry can pretend to be an Estate Agent. It’s all about the commissions, all for the mediation, they are not offering a proper business model where you are really working for the client. Most estate agents are only working for their commission, not for the client. But we are not like that, our service is 360 degrees – our offering includes design, construction, renovation, landscaping and maintenance. Our real estate specialists can also help you find your luxury home or rent it out for you when you’re away. We do things like pools, gardens, HVAC, water, electric, installations, safety checks. So the big advantage is you have absolutely everything taken care of. Your home will be ready for when you arrive and consistently maintained. Overall it’s a smoother and worry-free experience.

Can Juan de Català

How does Ibiza Real Estate compare with the Netherlands or other countries?
People are willing to pay stupid money, or here people don’t take the process as seriously as they would do in their own country, you know, it’s a bit of a fantasy world sometimes. I see it with clients buying properties for say 2.5 to 3 million euros. They are taking legal issues onboard and in their own country they are hardcore business people who don’t take one side step, but in Ibiza they are more inclined to just buy the lifestyle, as one would say.

Do you find there is a shortage of properties available, do you struggle to find a plot of land?
It’s not that easy any more. We still find stuff, but I am established here – I am 30 years here, so I can find it but the prices are through the roof, so some of the logic has disappeared. The market dimensions, the dynamics, and it’s going up, it doesn’t go down. For us to get a licence on a non-urban plot it takes between two and four years, or even up to six or seven years.

What are the big challenges of buying a property on Ibiza?

Well the big challenge is always to ensure that the house is 100% legal. These days in construction the laws are so stringent and you are responsible when the licence isn’t in order. You have to be really 100% aware of the legality of the property you work on. The old days are gone. The old days where people just did it. That’s the problem we have in Ibiza, so much has been built without a licence.

Can Ciska

Do you find the local Ibicenco people don’t sell, favouring to hand property to their children?
Yeah, it’s their wealth. Good old Ibicencos try to maintain it for their family, but I have to say as well that unfortunately, the money that people bring these days, you know there’s a lot of millionaires and billionaires on the island and in the end it’s stupid money… so the Ibicenco starts to doubt what to do? sell my old finca and get stupid money to buy apartments for my kids… so they also have the tendency to reinvest.

Real Estate is quite tough here, isn’t it?
It’s not real. We have four people working in our Real Estate team and they have to get the API, which is the original certificate you need to be an Estate Agent and it’s a year and a half study. The rest is all based on hot air. I see, I know, I heard. It’s surrealistic.

Do you come across many original fincas to refurbish?
Yes thankfully, because it’s one of my specialties, that’s where I excel. It’s all about the energies and these houses were built out of poverty. The one thing in old Casas Payesas, is that I take out the small windows to give light… I think it deserves more light. You have these thick walls, these high ceilings, so I try to give it more daylight, make it more liveable. The small windows were originally designed without heating and as a defense against island invaders in the past. Nowadays, the focus is on repainting and restoring windows and doors.

What about Landscaping?
That’s my hobby, I always do that myself. For me it’s very important that the inside and outside is one natural flow, that’s key for me. We design gardens with native plants, those that consume less water and are irrigated with recycled water, making them more sustainable.

Casa Carmen

Do you like the before and after?
Yes, we are more specialised in refurbishment. We are very good at changing existing volumes. The uglier the house, the more I get from it …I love ugly houses. A house that is already there for a long time, it already has a soul, it already has a feeling, and if you feel it in the right way, you can empower that feeling. To achieve the desired result we use high quality materials such as modern lime paint keeping in harmony with nature, bespoke handmade concrete tiles, hand-crafted stoneware, and furniture with exceptional craftsmanship for example.

Did you study?
No, I left school when I was sixteen. I see what I like and I hardly look into Architectural books, I hardly read up about it. I am a big fan of Gaudi and of the old Architects like Frank Lloyd Wright who was there 60, 70, 80 years ago. They got the essence of creating you know… and the integration of nature. I just took it onboard and I don’t fear, I am not afraid. In this business you have to be not afraid, you have to accept challenges, for good or for bad.

How does running a project work?
We are looking for a common playground and looking for the perfect result in which our clients are happy. It’s a journey and no journey is the same. Clients are engaged in every phase of the planning from analysis to the final execution, but the level of involvement is up to them. We use 3D cameras, drone videos, 3D models, and renders and of course regular calls by phone or virtual meetings.
Our showroom in Santa Eularia serves as our laboratory. We showcase a variety of unique, well-crafted products from local craftsmanship supporting the industry’s long-term sustainability. Clients are welcome to visit without an appointment to experience the materials, discover different finishes, and to receive assistance with selections.

Blue Pearl Showroom

Carrer del Sol 1

07840 Santa Eulària des Riu

+34 971 331 256

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